moulin rose
porque temos o direito de nos contradizer. todos os dias se for preciso.

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quinta-feira, maio 11, 2006
quero respostas e flores de borla...
...por isso partimos.

The spirit of Fatima still rules the Earth
She knows your future, she knows what it's worth
Sister Fatima has God-given powers
And on 42nd Street a shop that sells flowersI
s her palace, come and be healed

She knows all your business, your health and your ills
She'll counsel your weddings, divorces and wills
For full restoration five dollars an hour
And with each consultation a free holy flower
And if she likes you, well you can have two

And I came from nowhere like you and your friend
My searching and wandering went on without end
My future was dim, my spirit was crushed
In one sacred moment my questions were hushed
I'm a servant of fate in this garden of truth
A humble recruit of the taffeta booth
Where all things are known but few are revealed
Where sins are forgotten and sickness is healed
For five dollars the flower is free

Don McLean
posted by clarisca at 4:18 da tarde


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Drinking Song

Wine comes in at the mouth
love comes in at the eye
that is what we should know
before we grow old and dye.
i lift the glass to my mouth
i look at you and sye.

(sorry for the mistakes and can`t remenber the name of the author)

12:11 da tarde 
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Os tempos modernos são tempos de insensibilidade. eu sei.

11:27 da manhã 

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